COMPONENT_MESSAGE1=Final Fantasy VII requires that Microsoft DirectX Version 5, and Microsoft DirectShow drivers be installed.
DSHOW_DIALOG_MESSAGE=Final Fantasy VII Setup is ready to install DirectShow. If the DirectX Media 5.2a Runtime Installation asks you to restart your computer, please select NO so that Final Fantasy VII can complete the installation properly.
ERROR_MOVEDATA=An error occurred during the move data process : %d
MAX_INSTALL_DESCRIPTION=Installs all game files to your hard drive. Only movies are run from CD-ROM.
FOLDER_CONFIG=FF7 Configuration
REBOOT_MSG1=Before you can play Final Fantasy VII, you must restart Windows.
UNINST_KEY=Final Fantasy VII
COMPONENT_CREATIVE_MESSAGE=The Creative Labs Soundfont Manager must be installed on systems with a soundfont compatible device such as the Creative Labs AWE32, AWE64, or Sound Blaster Live.